Thursday, November 21, 2013

Bloggers loggers for today are... Jade and Luseta!!And we are going to be writing about what has been going on lately.


Congratulations to Heathcliff Fitzgerald-Magee and Julius Hlavac for coming 1st place in the year 5-6 speech competition.And well done to Samantha Goddard and Lydia     



11 talented pupils from rm 24 went to the Zones athletics at Rawhiti domain in New Brighton to compete against other schools in different events. 6 pupils made it n to the Canterbury Athletics in Ashburton.They were, Brydie, Luseta, Teariki, Jack, Kai, Xavier. Congratulations.

                                   Choir Festival

13 class members took part in the Festival Choir at CBS Arena. Unfortunately they didn't crack any windows or scare any old ladies in fact they did very well thanking Mrs Emeleus for the singing practices.

                                     Guy Fawkes

Sparklers,dogs barking
People trying to get sleep
Children's excitement

                                           Zones Athletics

11 people from room 24 went to Rawhiti Domain in New Brighton to compete against other schools in different events. Some of them even made it into the Canterbury Sports which is held on the 4th of December in Ashburton.


Some scary reports have been written already by teachers. Bribery is an absolute MUST at this time of the year if you're worried about your report.
Mr. Williams is waiting for some chocolate eclairs!!!!
                                       BEACH ED

The year 5's went to Beach Ed on Tuesday the 19th. Everyone had a great time even though the weather was terrible. They started by doing some activities and learning about the 10 beach rules then they had a great time outside. Thankfully none of them died of hypothermia.

                                      MUFTI DAY

St Albans school had Mufti day to donate money to the Phillipines, our school raised $1,295.90.Wow!!!!

           Thank you for reading thats it for today.



Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Athletics day 2013!

Hello everyone,
Yesterday we had the senior team athletics day. The class had some very great results like: Heathcliff got his first 3 in long jump, 11 girls achieved a 3 in shot put including, Gyda who got second place and Luseta who got 1st place! Proving that rm 24 is filled with muscly girls! Yuki had his first sports day at St Albans and achieved a 3 in 3 events! Also Kai, Teariki, Samantha, Brydie, Lydia, Xavier and Tane all received a 3 in every event! Here are some photos of the event.


Make sure you check back soon for the next update! ( :

Thursday, October 24, 2013

the weekly catch up 13

Hi, it's Jake and Anastasia and we are your bloggaloggas. Today we will type to you about well balanced children, speech reminders and food for thought etc.

   First up is speeches.Remember on Tuesday 29th the Prepared Speeches competition for each class will begin. So get out that pencil, grab some paper and start writing. Our class has been practising our speeches, some are finished and some need more work and practising done, so start to practise.

 Next up well balanced children. Mr Williams thought we could not balance a book on our head and walk across the classroom but most of us proved him wrong. This was to meant to make us think about our posture and our spines! There will be photos at the bottom.

And now the Super market trip. Yesterday we went to the Super market and we looked at the contents of food per 100g. We looked at snacks, drinks, breads, milk and dairy, breakfast cereals and had to find an everyday example(healthy) and an occasional food(unhealthy). It's very interesting  to look at the contents of food.The drink lemon lime and bitters has more sugar than coke!?!?!?!? Coco Pops are full of sugar! We also got a free lunch box and also an apple snack for our hard work!

On Thursday the 24th {yesterday}Tanē Norton returned to room 24! All of us were happy to see him {sort of}:-}! Tanē has been away in Japan for a few weeks.

On Wednesday the 23rd we moved our beautiful murals to the hall walls. If you want to go and check them out go to the hall!

On Tuesday the 22nd we began myths, legend and fairytales. We have a new story book about legends. It is called...  Just So Stories. The stories include...  How the camel got it's hump, How the rhinoceros got his skin and How the whale got his throat etc.We are also writing our own legends
explaining how an animal got it's own unique features.

In maths our three groups are called the Elderly, because they use an old textbook, Smurfs-blue textbook and Orange, orange text book. We say orange  in a funny way.

This is Jake and Anastasia typing out!!!!!!!! Have a great Labour weekend.


Thursday, October 17, 2013

the weekly catch up 12

Welcome back to terrific term 4! The blogger loggers for this week are Emma and Emily. This   Monday we arranged our desks to look like Parliament, with the front benches and backbenches.Mr Williams says he's the Prime Minister! Most of us think it's lots of fun for a change.

Yesterday we went to the hall to see the Kids can cook seminar, with the amazing Emily as the sous chef. The chef demonstrated how to hold your fingers in the crab position when you are cutting something with a sharp knife, he also talked to us about gluten [the sticky stuff that holds your food together] and gelatin [ the stuff in your milkshakes that comes of cows back skin and their feet].  A big thanks to Mrs Bateman  and Mr Williams for letting her be the sous chef she loved it.

The big day is coming up and by that I mean Athletics and by the big day I mean the 30th! Room 24 has been practicing hard out every Tuesday and Friday. We can't wait until the big day!

We have finished our new book Somuch2do we all loved the book, but the next book might be from a different author. We are so excited to read the next book!

 We have started two new maths topics fractions and decimals. We are in groups the floorers the smurfs and the elders. To determine who is in what group we did a test a very hard test. Mr Williams thought that most of us would get in the high 20s low 30s mark [by the way there were 57 questions in the test] but most of us got in the high 40s and even low 50s! The highest mark in the test was made by Teariki and Byrdie with both of them getting 56 out 57!

Now on to my favorite thing food for thought [our topic for this term] It is all about healthy eating and environmental health. Next Monday a lady from the supermarket is coming round to St Albans and talking  to us about healthy eating and our trip to the New World supermarket and a lot more. 

Continuing with the food for thought  theme, every school day Mr Williams makes us get out our lunchbox before morning tea and write down how many processed foods and  natural foods we have, as well as packaged and for next week, a sandwich survey!

Now completely changing the subject to summer sport trials! We have already had all the trials for touch, softball and cricket and the teams will be announced next week!

Thanks for reading the weekly catch up 12! And now for some photos.


       Photo editing by Samantha Goddard.


Monday, September 23, 2013


Murals A.K.A Muriels

Yesterday at eleven thirty the whole senior school had a massive art exhibition, where  all the senior classes displayed their AMAZING artwork. Room twenty-four did impressive murals inspired by our walk through the city centre. Each of the murals had its own tour guide as well as a doorman(Thomas)
This is Tane presenting the
Antigua  street boat sheds

Here is Willow the tour guide showing us her groups mural, Our City Gone.
Here is their version of the Antigua Street boat sheds,
standing by it are two of its creators Teariki
and Kai.

Here is our doorman Thomas, smiling as you enter 

the room.

These are the girls who painted heart of Christchurch  

great job!!


THANYOU  for reading the room 24 blog come back after the  holidays to read the next entry so we will see you then.=D

Thursday, September 19, 2013

the weekly catch up 10

Hi, the bloggalogga's this week are Julius and Xavier, charming, and, not so charming. I mean, um... equal. Now, first of all, you know the phrase, "Yeah, and pigs can fly and John Key is a nice man.... Something along those lines. Anyway, for the first time, one pig did. Unfortunately Mr Williams didn't grow any hair.

Basically, what happened was: We were playing a game of "Kings and Queens" and Mr Williams put Emma's "Piglet" for Book Week on the bullet inside the gun and shot it. The weight of the pig made the bullet only fly three centimeters but we still cheered. On to something else.

As some of you might know, a girl in our class called Luseta comes from Tonga. So she brought along this type of art/dress that her grandmother made for her. It is called a tapa cloth. She wears it when she goes to funerals, birthdays and celebrations. We found this so interesting that we decided to do tapa cloth designs for our calendar art. It was very successful.

We have also started Athletics this term. Our first  two sports were High Jump and Sprint's. In Sprints we have been doing heats so that the people who struggle with running don't give up if they lose. There's heat 5, {super speedys}, heat 4, 3, 2, and 1. On to High Jump. Luseta was pretty nervous, but later on she found out that she excelled at it. Other things that we do for Athletics are Long Jump, Discus, Shotput, and Relays.

Recently, we have been painting murals. We were inspired to do this when we went to the CBD{central business district}, for a school trip. We decided to base our murals on the things we saw. Some of the paintings were of the Cardboard Cathedral, the Antigua Boatsheds and the River. They are so realistic!

For maths we have been using protractors and compasses. We were careful to not prick ourselves! We used the protractors for right angles. Some people struggled at this but quickly caught on. We used the compasses to draw circles.

We have just finished the current book we were reading, 2MUCH4U. We are now starting the sequel, SOMUCH2DO. It has the same cast of characters and unfortunately the same Holden! Davin got a dog called Wag for his birthday. Wag is a sheep dog and is black with white spots if you didn't know.

Today we had the heats for the talent quest. Everybody was wonderful! Willow, Ambyr and Lydia sang 1000 years and Julius sang his own made-up song called Moving on. Gyda sang and Brydie danced and we all thought they were wonderful. Unfortunately not everyone will make it to the final. Now like Julius' song said, moving on to the next subject .

Recently the class has been doing Haikus, about winter. These were about people in our class, and Mr Mckenzie and Mrs Warren. All of them were amazing! Sadly our trip to Malvern Park was cancelled because the grounds were double booked so we didn't get to do sports.

This week we saw a wonderful group of musicians called: STRIKE PERCUSSION, who played different pieces of music including drums. They used the marimba, and the drums. They made the drums sound like wind by quickly tapping the drums. And, they actually used fire{!} by spraying a liquid quickly to make the fire flicker. We all thought they were an amazing {and loud} group of percussionists.

Now that we have got a new camera we can show you some pictures of all the interesting events that have been taking place.


Goodbye for now, and don't forget to read the next blog update!

Thursday, August 22, 2013

weekly catch up 9

Hello our blog followers today, it"s the 23.8.13. Our blogger loggers today are Ambyr and Tane!

                                                     GOAL SHEETS

At the start of term 3 we have been making some colourful goal sheets. We had to choose a sport that involved a ball. For example fabulous Yuki choose football. After that you had to choose your goal and decide your background . In the ball or the goal you put your goal.

In week 3 we had made 3D hands. We traced our hands and drew lines across the traced hand at least 1cm apart. Next we coloured the lines.  In dramatic colours like purple blue and red!      

We got a piece of a4 paper. Then we got black paint and made patterns, we made sure that it was wide. We used primary colours and black.Everyone did really well.

                                  FINISH THE PICTURE                                                                                                               
Last week we finished off dog heads and car front.We discovered that we had a lot more fantastic artists in the class than we thought.The top three cars were Teariki,Michael and Tane. The top three dogs were Luseta, Samantha and Thomas.

                      OUR CITY RE-DISCOVEREd
2 weeks ago the senior block went to the CBD and we had loads of fun .We did heaps of art in our topic book and they all put into a lot of work.It was a big walk but everyone was great except for some people no name mentioned.We all had favourites and that was the good thing.

                         WINTER HAIKU'S

Last week we started on our winter haiku's and some are being finished off .The best two were Yuki's and Luseta's .The first one is Yuki.
Weather is snow
Hot chocolate and hot milo
Time to play soccer

And Luseta's
Hot soup,cold mornings
Frosty, icy ,muddy fields
Goose bumps ,shivers, BURRR!!!


Last week we did a math test to raise money for math equipment ,for  math for the school. Ambyr raised the most out of the class with $160.Everyone got at least one sponsor which was great.


We have started a new story called 2much4u by Vince Ford and its about a boy who is like his father who past away and that explains everything because he's forgetful and careless.


WE STARTED NEW MATH NOW with old but useful things called protractors and compasses but not north east south west kind of  things the ones that the perfect far we've done protractors and discovered they're quite easy.

Thats all for now make sure you're back next week with the next mystery writers. bye from Tane Ambyr and  help from Ashleigh while Ambyr was at choir .
                                bye bye bye see ya later

Thursday, July 11, 2013

week 10 catch up

Hi, it's been a long time since we have had our last blog update. A lot of fun and exciting things has happened for these last few weeks! Oh! We are Willow and Jake, your official bloggaloggas for this edition

SNOW! or was it??
There was a tiny bit of snow, that we were sure that it was going to get up to our noses.
So a lot of students didn't go to school, but it didn't evan get up to our ankles! Only 9 people 
from room 24 came to our came to our school and 2 had to leave that makes 7 in total.

Visit to Wigram 
About two weeks ago we went to the Wigram Airforce museum. We had a scavenger hunt, here are some objects we had to find: A yellow plane, a bent propeller,an blue tractor and a Teddy bear. We also
went upstairs to see the body parts of a airplane, and we also got some mini airplanes.

Luseta's birthday [YUM!]

On the 27th of June Luseta's birthday happened, since she is Tongan it was a Tongan tradition that 
every boy and girl got a piece of cake and a little tub of either strawberry or vanilla ice-cream, the
boys got vanilla ice-cream and the girls got strawberry ice-cream.I SCREAM YOU SCREAM WE ALL SCREAM FOR LUSTETA'S ICE-CREAM! + try and say that five times.
Owls [hoo hoo]
When Mr Williams was doing our reports, our teacher for the day was Miss Norton so for the afternoon we did some art and created some owls for our topic of flight. We all think they look ab fab! Here is how we did it, we did a draft copy first, then when Miss Norton thought we had done our best she told us to do the owl again but on the A4 piece of paper, when we had done our drawing on our paper we coloured in the owls with pastle. 

On Monday, the 8th of June room 24 got our reports, we thought it was the end of the world! But things turned out alright, lots of people got rewarded with FOOD AND MONEY! Mr Williams thought he should get a percentage but we gave him nothing!

OH, NO Interviews!
A lot of people had interviews this week, we have found out that in room 24 Mums are more popular
than the very rare creature a Dad, but a few Dads did come. We hope that you had a good interview!

For the topic of flight a lot of the seniors had to do a poster, a question, or an electronic etc. Room 24 had mostly had done posters, and a few did an electronics. Most of these have been FABULOUS! But some of us had to try again because they hadn't prepared it.

The winning house groups!
Coming in 3rd place Kahurangi, in 2nd Kowhai and in 1st equal Kakariki and Whero! Well done all teams don't put your head down if you didn't come 1st, because there is always next term.

Sport Tournaments!
Since neither of us bloggaloggers went to the winter sports tournaments all we know is, the Rugby team got into the Canterburys, and the other teams weren't so lucky.

Big Sleep In!
Yesterday ,in our Big Sleep In, which was our big day in.  We watched a movie and we could bring a pillow, our PJS etc.
The movie was The Smurfs." Hey, Jake aren't we so lucky that we got popcorn and a crunchy bar!" said Willow
"Yeah, we're lucky!" replied Jake.

OH, NO ITS THE END OF SCHOOL!! As we all sob bitterly.
"Jake, what will we do?, sobbed Willow." I don't know",  Jake replied sadly, "We shall both miss school enormously!"

 This is Willow and Jake reporting room 24 news, bye!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

the weekly catch up 7

Kia ora and hello, today our bloggaloggas are Thomas and Ashleigh!

In week 4 the year 6's of room 24 started Cycle Safe,we learnt a lot from the teachers and most of us passed but some of us need supervision from an adult.Room 24 year 6's are now  super duper bikers.

Wet day monitors is great, we get to play with little cuties, a.k.a little screaming people.We have been coming up with some great ways to stop them from arguing and being quiet, and so so far this job has been quite easy.Some of our ways to stop them from being pesky are saying, "Hey look out the window" or "Hey there's someone else to go and play with".So as you can see we are very smart indeed.

In week five two people from Science Alive came to visit the seniors to teach them about different forces. It was great, we made cars that were made out of  plastic connecting rods. We made very interesting cars that moved using the force of wind.We also made air hockey type of discs. We used blue tack an old disc a sports bottle lid and a balloon.They were very successful.

We've been making our mark three darts with heavier paper.We found out that heavier paper flies better.But this this time we threw the planes a longer distance and some of them actually did make the whole distance.Teariki, Kai and Luseta's planes were probably the most successful and right now were making our mark four darts.

Mr Williams is doing reports but luckily he is open to bribing but we're trying to do well in some of  the tests. He said he's open to bribery of chocolate e'clairs . We are doing lots of tests to see if we have actually learnt anything!! In Probes tests we have all really improved, Mr Williams is very pleased.

SLURP SLURP SLURP SLURP SLURP!!!!! Today we started the Fonterra milk for schools process. It's been easy so far but I must say the folds are difficult because you have to flatten the carton right down. Everyone had milk, so we will all have healthy bones !!!!

Hockey,Soccer,Rugby,Netball are the winter sports for this term. But not everyone  makes the team.
Each Friday the sport people get on the bus and leave to Hagley park.But the rest still have fun.At Friday sport where we practice the different sports and hope we get into a team next term.

We have recently started reading a new book called" Public Enemy Number Two" written by Anthony Horowitz.We've all been enjoying it a lot. It's an interesting narrative about  a boy who gets framed and is stuck in prison on purpose. This is a funny book and also quite serious at the same time.Will Nick get out of jail?

Now we all know that math is sometimes boring but it helps you when you grow up.
For maths we have started multiplication and division its going to be a challenging time because some of us need to learn them.So I recommend that the adults help the children learn the multiplication and division.We've got lots of very brainy people in our class and hopefully at the end of the year or term
all of us can be very very brainy.So get cracking with those tables and have fun.

That's our weekly catch up, make sure you come back to see our next catch up with some other people.
We're out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!=)

Thursday, May 16, 2013

the weekly catch up 6

Welcome back to term 2. Your two  bloggaloggas  are Emma and Emily. Congrats to the winners
of the truck pulling and the awesome tug of war comp last week, to start our Forces work. We came second =  with room 25 and room 27 came 1st. In room 24 we are making paper darts, some people's
darts went to the end of the room, others found out they had made an acrobatic dart! It's all to do with trying to work out what makes things fly

Remember  that Ab Fab show? ( team assembly ). It turns out that we have the famous presenters
weather girl Emma , sports reporter Ashleigh , roaming reporter Thomas and the two presenters Luseta and Samantha . They were the super stars who organised Team assembly in week1

Congrats to the people who got a place in Cross Country from 1st - 7th , they will be going to the Zones! They are Teariki, Kai, Tane , Julius, Brydie,  Jade, Zavier and Jack. Thanks for trying your hardest everybody .  A special thanks to the school  councillors and Luseta, who was assistant starter.

We have the best book in the world .... THE BEATLES BOOK !!!!!!!! Mr Williams "borrowed" it from
Ms Ashby but hopefully he will give it back.

Congrats to all the people who got into a Friday sports team.

DO the boogie at the Friday Disco. Did you know that at Disco all the boys run around like 3
year old screaming babies while the girls stay calm and do the boogie at the Friday Disco!  

We have just started a reading programme called A.V.A.I.L.L. It is basically 
a reading programme where you watch movies with subtitles it rocks !!!!!!!!

The School now  has a assembly each Monday , so remember to come and go out of the hall quietly to impress Mrs Warren !

Well that's all we've got for this week so bye from the 2 E's! Check back next week for the weekly catch up 7! Have a great time at the Disco!!

Thursday, April 18, 2013

the weekly catch up 5

Hi everyone this week our bloggaloggas are Anastasia and Sam.
Over the last couple of weeks we have been training for the Cross Country AKA angry (cross) nation (country). We have 3 groups for training they are the Sloths, the Giraffes and the Cheetahs. We are given an amount of laps to do. When we are finished we yell done and Mr Williams gives us our time and our goal is to beat the time before. Mr Williams also encourages us to choose another person in our group and aim to beat them!! Everyone is improving. YAY!!
On Monday the senior team went to Hagley golf course to practice their golf skills on a real course. Everybody had a lot of fun at the golf course. Many of us were brilliant at golf and are destined to be golfing stars.
Last week we started on our egg diaries. They have mostly been written in first person. They are very funny and we are enjoying writing them. Here are some opening sentences of our egg diaries!

Anastasia's opening sentence: Hi, i'm Shelly and I'm going to talk to you about my spectacular adventures with my mum.

Thomas's opening sentence: "yaaay" I just got my new diary. But "boo" my best friend just died, he was killed in action. But we have have to over come our weaknesses.

Sam's opening sentence: Hi Nacho - Libre here. I'm going to talk to you about my ab fab, exciting , fun and sometimes sad life! Well it all started at birth ( of course) !!

On Monday the first sports trial was held and it was Netball. All of the other sports are going to have their trials next term.
On Tuesday we went to the Blue Skies outdoor activity centre we had lots of fun doing the initative, orienteering and confidence courses.

Yesterday was a mufti day so we could raise money for the returned and services association. We also had a A.N.Z.A.C cerimony in the hall. Mr W told us all the details about A.N.Z.A.C  day.

Today is the last day of term wich means 2 weeks off school! ( yay). But sadly Miss Dunbar left the school at lunch to head to Aussie ( mate mate mate).

Make sure you check back next term for the weekly catch up 6!

Thursday, April 4, 2013

the weekly catch up 4

Kia ora everybody and welcome to our blog!! Today our bloggaloggas are... Jade and Sam.
Last Thursday we started a competition that would change our lives for ever!!! (not really). It was the egg-sitting challenge. Basically we have to take care of an egg for as long as we can and if it smashes we are elimanated from the competition. It is part of the Keeping ourselves Safe programme. We have made many very cool houses for our eggs that will keep them safe from harm.

Also last Thursday St Albans school had an Easter Egg Hunt!! Every student was paired up with their buddies.Our buddies were Rm 5. Rm 24 had to hold the little 5 year olds hands!After we found all the colours and coloured the eggs in, on our sheets, Rm 24 and their buddies chocolate eggs were hiding in their little baskets in Rm 4.Mr Williams and Mrs Craig hid the baskets, so the children had do a Easter egg hunt to find their yummy chocolate. Many people were tired when the day finished.

Fabulous Rm 24 did some fabulous portraits.The portraits are hanging up in our Fabulous Classroom.Mr Williams asked Rm 24 who's portrait looked more like them self, and the winners were...Julius and Anastasia.Now the portraits can stare at naughty kids to freak them out!Mr Williams thinks Amandas portrait is doing the job.  :) :)

St Albans School are engouraging people to walk the loop.A childs reward for walking the loop is house points. The school councilers are out there once a week to reward children. We will be out there again on thursday. So... walk walk walk walk the loop and follow the footprints!!!

Nervously Rm 24 has been doing P.T and B.R. P.T stands for Prepared Talk and B.R stands for Book Review. Bravely Rm 24 have coping. Everyone has had a turn and have done very well, because it is quite nerve wracking getting up in front of everyone.
We'll put some photos on next week, we are off to be dramatic and creative at interchange now. Bye!!    

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

the weekly post 3

Kia ora everybody, today the blog writters are Sam and Jack!
This week we have been very fortunate to have 2 lovely dogs come in and they are...
Poppy (Anastasia's miniature German schnauzer) and Memphis (Willow's border collie)! They are both very cute!!
For art this week we have been working on our portraits. Most have been finished and they are amazing! Come in and have a look!
Today is the wonderful wise and witty Mr Williams birthday! He thinks he is over 1,000,000 years old and there is no number for is age but we believe that he is 63! Mr Williams recieved a nerf gun from Jake (for kings and queens or any other emergency attack children times).
 The class also wrote many messages on the whiteboard for Mr W. Happy birthday Mr Williams.
Our dazzling photos are now up on our wall and they look fabulous.
This week we have been writing scary stories and brave stories. They are going very well sofar.
We are continuing to enjoy Stormbreaker so much that about 5 children have found copies in libraries and follow along when Mr Williams reads. Also many of us saw the Stormbreaker movie on Friday night.
On Tuesday Julius presented a book review on his book that he wrote himself called "The Mystery of the Holts."It is very impressive and has 9 chapters! He has been working on his book for a long time.
The book reveiws and prepared talks have been going very well. We had a very good B.R from Lydia  on The Witches which went for over 5 minutes and Thomas did a very good P.T on the history of Lego which went for over 4 minutes, they were both very informative. The Maths groups are also zooming along, and Amanda is proving to be the resident maths genius!!

Make sure you check back next week for the weekly post 4!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

The Weekly catch up 2

Hello to everyone! Today our bloggaloggas are Brydie and Sam. Sorry the blog entry is late. On Monday last week Mr Williams received a new wombat. We think he is enjoying his new home and friends.
Last Wednesday we did a PAT listening test. The year 6s went up stairs to Mrs Bateman and the year 5s from her class came to Mr Williams to do the test.dun dun dun. Most of us completed the test well.
Busy days our Wednesdays, as well as having the test we became young golfing super stars just like Lydia Ko! ; ) We worked on perfecting the drive and learning the chip (no food involved sorry!) Yuki was the star of the golf session as he got the ball in the hoop twice while doing the chip.

 On Thursday we started our reading programme which meant choosing group names. We came up with the following: Dopey Creatures, Kiwiana, Team Minecraft, Tiny Tiddlers and Magic Koalas.

On Thursday we had our first whole school assembly. At the assembly they announced the student leaders.The student leaders from our class are: Brydie (deputy head girl), Sam and Lydia (school council) and Luseta & Michael (house captains of blue and red)!

On Monday we had swimming sports at Jellie Park! Our class members did very well but our relay team came 3rd.It was really fun and the people who stayed at school did art with Mrs Glasson.
The people who went to swimming sports had some great successes.

We are happy to say that the book reviews and prepared talks have been going fantastically so far! Sorry we haven't been able to get the videos of the P.Ts and B.Rs up on the blog, there have been some technical difficulties.

Thank you for reading! Make sure to check back next week for...the weekly catch up 3!!!! ( :

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Hello and welcome to room 24's incredible blog! This year we will aim to post spontaneous and hilarious recounts of our week!
This week we started a new chapter book called Stormbreaker by Anthony Horowitz. It is the first book from the Alex Rider series and it is an action adventure full of suspense and mystery!!
For writing this week we have been focusing on early memories and early school memories! They are mostly about potty training, injuries, not wanting to go to school and crying for mum at school! So they are hilarious to read! In maths we have been working on averages, medians, mode and range. We work from statistics sheets and most of us are up to mode and range.

Today we start summer Hagley sport. The sports are: Softball (coached by Mr Williams and Lee, Michaels nan),  Kiwitag (coached by Mrs Ford)  and all girls Cricket (coached by Mr Mckenzie and Miss Archabold ). On Wednesday a golf teacher named Mrs Jones came to St Albans school to give some lucky classes a lesson, including us! We all enjoyed watching the boys who think they are supreme at golf fail! Naturally, the girls were better!

This week we have been working on our look at me charts and acrostic poems. They look really colourful and are interesting to read! The next time you come in make sure you have a look!
On Monday we are having elections for school council so make sure you prepare a speech for Monday!
One year 6 and one year 5 will be chosen for the job! Today we start arts interchange!!! The activities are: percussion, dance,drama and maori performing arts. These activities will happen on Fridays at 11.30!

This year we have many cultures in our class like: chinese, japenese, maori and our great italian...Thomasio Forseone A.K.A Thomas Forsey. Thats right this year Thomas will eat tomatoes, swim in olive oil and chuck pasta everywhere!