Thursday, May 16, 2013

the weekly catch up 6

Welcome back to term 2. Your two  bloggaloggas  are Emma and Emily. Congrats to the winners
of the truck pulling and the awesome tug of war comp last week, to start our Forces work. We came second =  with room 25 and room 27 came 1st. In room 24 we are making paper darts, some people's
darts went to the end of the room, others found out they had made an acrobatic dart! It's all to do with trying to work out what makes things fly

Remember  that Ab Fab show? ( team assembly ). It turns out that we have the famous presenters
weather girl Emma , sports reporter Ashleigh , roaming reporter Thomas and the two presenters Luseta and Samantha . They were the super stars who organised Team assembly in week1

Congrats to the people who got a place in Cross Country from 1st - 7th , they will be going to the Zones! They are Teariki, Kai, Tane , Julius, Brydie,  Jade, Zavier and Jack. Thanks for trying your hardest everybody .  A special thanks to the school  councillors and Luseta, who was assistant starter.

We have the best book in the world .... THE BEATLES BOOK !!!!!!!! Mr Williams "borrowed" it from
Ms Ashby but hopefully he will give it back.

Congrats to all the people who got into a Friday sports team.

DO the boogie at the Friday Disco. Did you know that at Disco all the boys run around like 3
year old screaming babies while the girls stay calm and do the boogie at the Friday Disco!  

We have just started a reading programme called A.V.A.I.L.L. It is basically 
a reading programme where you watch movies with subtitles it rocks !!!!!!!!

The School now  has a assembly each Monday , so remember to come and go out of the hall quietly to impress Mrs Warren !

Well that's all we've got for this week so bye from the 2 E's! Check back next week for the weekly catch up 7! Have a great time at the Disco!!

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